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Advantages of Using a Room Thermostat

Room thermostat is a temperature control device that keeps the ambient temperature at the set value. The room thermostat, Especially preferred to be used in individual heating systems such as combi boilers, measures the ambient temperature and ensures that the combi is fired when the temperature drops and the temperature is always kept at the set level. Thus, during the winter months, both fuel consumption can be saved and the desired ambient temperature can remain at the same value.

There are two types of digital room thermostats as wired and wireless room thermostats. In the wired room thermostat, the connection of the combi and the thermostat is provided by the cable in between. In the wireless room thermostat, it is possible to connect with the boiler without the need for a cable. So what are the advantages? In a combi without a room thermostat, you need to make the settings on the combi to set the desired ambient temperature.

When the water temperature transmitted to the radiators, through the combi thermostat, is adjusted, the boiler will be based on the temperature of the water circulating in the installation to activate ,and since the temperature of the water returning from the radiators by releasing its temperature to the environment will decrease, it will work more and consume more fuel.

When you do not use the room thermostat, although the combi will continue to operate continuously based on the temperature of the water circulating in the installation with the adjustment made on the combi,when the room thermostat is used, the effects of the outdoor temperature on the indoor environment will also be effective in the operation of the boiler.

When air temperature increase , the ambient temperature will also increase, so your combi will not work unnecessarily, which will provide you savings on fuel.

The initial cost for room thermostats, which are extremely easy to use and install, will be met in a short time with the fuel savings to be made thanks to the device.